There’s nothing quite so exhilarating as getting out on the road and experiencing the wonders that the world has to offer. In the face of this, however, it’s important to keep yourself fresh and looking your best. Travel can take a harrowing toll on our hygiene routine, but that’s no reason to leave your pores clogged, your teeth unbrushed, and your clothes used and rumpled. Even when sinks and showers become a distant memory you can keep yourself feeling refreshed.
How To Handle Your Hands
When you’re traveling the world there’s nothing more important to be able to chase away the various bugs and flu you’ll come across on your way. Just like when you’re safe at home it’s important to keep your hands clean to avoid getting sick. Hot soapy water is, of course, the best option, but you can’t carry that in a bottle in your bag. What you can carry is a bottle of hand sanitizer and use it religiously.
Remember To Care For Your Face
While you’re on your travels be sure to take the locations you’ll be traveling to into account. If you’ll be traveling in dry environments, be sure to bring moisturizer. Protect the skin on your face using sunblock, and use it everywhere else as well. To clear the grime of the road from your face you can also bring along special cleansing cloths and makeup remover pads that don’t require water to use.
Take Care Of Your Mouth
Halitosis is a persistent and difficult problem that faces the world traveler, and avoiding spicy and rich foods will only go so far towards ensuring you don’t scare off your fellow passengers. Gum is a standby that many people have used, but Colgate Wisps are a great innovation. These miniature toothbrushes will ensure you can take care of your breath until you can get a real brushing done. There are also mouth sprays available that will refresh your breath in the interim.
Keep Your Clothes Looking Fresh
When you look great, it helps you feel great, and that matters as much when traveling as it does at any other time. There are a host of wrinkle-free clothing available on the market that will look as fresh as if they’d just been ironed when they come out of your suitcase. There are also sprays that will help to release the wrinkles with just a smoothing pass of your hands, all great options to help you stay feeling great.
If you’re getting ready to go on a great adventure there’s no better place to make your first stop than your doctor’s office. Dr. Trang D Nguyen has been helping traveler’s like you prepare for their journeys with a full check-up and updated shots at their office in Conroe, TX. Conroe Family Doctor will help you ensure that your trip is one your family will always remember, and not because they got sick along the way. If you’re planning a trip pick up the phone and schedule a check-up today!
There are a million things in this life that are better when you have friends involved. Playing games, having barbecues, vacations, birthdays, and water skiing, just to name a few. Research has recently revealed that there’s one more thing that’s also better with friends, and that’s getting out and getting fit. While this isn’t a revelation to anyone who has a gym buddy that keeps them motivated and heading to their workout every day, it’s nice to finally have some concrete science behind it.
How Working Out With Friends Helps You
There’s a lot of little things that comes with working with your friends, including being able to spend time socializing with your buddies. This is just the beginning, however. Working out together creates an air of accountability that ensures that everyone involved has a higher chance of keeping up with their exercise regime. It has also been determined that people who work out in groups experience a decline in stress over time even above those who exercise alone. The support offered by their community of friends has lasting results on stress relief.
Overall Improvements Hold The Evidence
The improvements in this study went beyond the benefits of exercise. All of the people involved reported that they had an overall lower stress level, an enhanced sense of well-being and happiness, they were mentally calmer and relaxed and felt physically better. While these kind of results aren’t uncommon with exercise, the overall level of improvement went up when there was a group involved. Working out with your friends yields serious results.
Working Out Alone Yields Inferior Results
To test this further the study went on to have individuals work out alone for a period of time equal to that of the test groups. The results were impossible to argue with, the only results they saw a significant improvement in was their mental well-being. The rest of the improvements were within nominal levels, meaning that they were what was expected. This held out the idea that significant improvements occur when people work out as part of a group.
Bonding And Support
While the exact reasons behind the improved results is still under investigation there is are some causes that are self-evident. The support and bonding that occurs during the exercise period helps build a sense of camaraderie that helps the group succeed and, perhaps, push themselves harder than they would otherwise. Further research will reveal the whole cause, but what’s impossible to dispute is that working out as a group provides better benefits than working out alone.
If you’re looking for further information and support in getting fit in the new year, contact Dr. Trang D Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor. His team serves the Conroe Texas community with exceptional health care and provides connections to healthy activities in the area. Start your road to better health by making a call to Conroe Family Doctor for an appointment today, it’s never too late to start a new year’s resolution!