Michelle Hobbs is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. She graduated from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor with masters of science, Family Nurse Practitioner in August of 2014. She is happily married with two children and lives in Montgomery. She looks forward to meeting all of your healthcare needs.
Masters of Science, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
University of Mary Hardin Baylor, graduated in August 2014
Bachelors of Science, Nursing
University of Texas in Arlington, graduated in May 2012
Associates of Nursing, Registered Nurse (RN)/Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)
McLennan Community College, RN 2006, LVN 2005
September 2021 to presents
FNP, Dr. Trang Nguyen – Conroe Texas
Preforms history and physicals, orders diagnostic labs/imaging, and makes treatment plans. Manages acute illnesses, such as UTIs or sinusitis, and chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism. Directs patients towards goals and refers to appropriate specialists as indicated.
September 2014- January 2020.
Diabetes and Endocrinology Center – Waco, Texas
Worked as a FNP that diagnoses and treats various Endocrinology type disorders, including type 1 and 2 diabetes, thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, as well as adrenal issues
Works with patients 18 years and older
Scott and White McLane Children’s Hospital – Temple, Texas
Registered nurse in the PACU and pre-operative setting
Obtain history, examine, and interact with pediatric patients and their family members.
Skills include starting IVs, assist with anesthesia, manage airway systems, administermedications, patient education, and preparing patients for surgery as well as dischargepatients based on their specialized needs.
Providence Hospital – Waco, Texas
Worked on a medical surgical floor, prominently for pediatrics.
Skills included starting IVs, managing airways (suctioning/nebulizer treatments),administering medications, time management, and managing care of pediatric patientsthat were ill.
2010-2011. Fish Pond Surgery Center – Waco, Texas
Worked in pre-operative services, the operating room, as well as the PACU (post-operative setting)
Skills include starting IVs, obtaining EKGs, administering medication, airwaymanagement (including breathing treatments, suctioning, removal of airways), as well aspatient education
2007-2010. Mexia State Supported Living Center – Mexia, Texas
Began as a RN Case Manager and then progressed to a Campus RN – 2007-2010
Worked as an RN Case Manager on the medically fragile unit – duties included handlingcase load and patient care (Gtubes, trach care, IV infusions). Then I progressed to aCampus RN – duties include all medical/psychiatric emergencies on the entire campus(pediatrics to geriatrics) and supervision of agency nurses as well as all LVNs.
Millwood Hospital – Arlington, Texas
RN as the charge nurse in the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
Worked as a RN as the charge nurse of psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) – duties included managing the unit and handled all emergencies.
2007 North Richland Hills Hospital – North Richland Hills, Texas
RN on Medical/Surgical Floor
Worked PRN on their Medical/Surgical floor – duties included patient care, IVmedications and transfusions, administer medications, etc
2005-2007. Providence Hospital – Waco, Texas
Began as a LVN and transferred as a RN while working at Providence
Worked as a LVN then RN on the medical/surgical/oncology floor – duties includedpatient care, IV medications and transfusions, administer medications, etc.
Then I transferred to become an Admission Nurse, I completed admissions throughoutthe entire hospital.
America Associates of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP)