Plant Pollens Allergens To Watch Out For During Spring In Texas
Texas has a vibrant ecology comprised of a range of local flora that brings beauty and variety to our landscape. However, with this variety comes a panoply of pollen and other allergies that can make allergy sufferers struggle to appreciate them. Spring is one of the most prominent times for seasonal allergies to appear. However, given the nature of our climate, the nature of these allergens will continue to change throughout the year. All American Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology present this guide of the worst offenders of Texas pollen producers to help allergy sufferers prepare.
Plant Pollens Allergens To Watch Out For During Spring In Texas
While the worst pollen encounters typically occur outside our homes, they commonly follow us inside. Pollen can hitch a ride on our skin and clothes, be brought in by pets, and slip in through poorly filtered ventilation and air conditioning systems. Even the most carefully maintained homes cannot prevent the invasion of many kinds of pollen. Every time the door is opened, a new gust of pollen accompanies the brief gust of air that enters the home. The below list of allergens represents those that are nearly inescapable in any Texas home.
The most common allergens in Texas are pollens released by our local fauna.
- Ash, Elm, Mulberry, Oak, Pecan, & Sycamore Trees – April represents the beginning of the multiple trees pollen season. These trees produce copious amounts of pollen through April and May, with the season passing in June as summer arrives.
- Birch Trees & Cottonwood – These trees’ pollen season is already underway. It began in March and will persist through May.
- Juniper & Cedar – Juniper and Cedar get their start in February but continue their pollen assault straight through May.
- Mesquite & Pine – Mesquite and Pine trees produce pollen in March and persist through April.
Grass and Weeds
May is the last month of spring, but it also represents the beginning of summer pollinators. When May arrives, you must contend with various grasses, weeds, and Black Walnut trees. The other pollinators that get their start in May and persist through the summer include:
- Bahia Grass
- Bermuda Grass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Meadow Fescue Grass
- Rye Grass
- Sorrel
- Dock
- Plantain
If you suffer from allergies, it’s time to start preparing yourself to address the worst of your symptoms.
Seasonal Allergies With All American Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, our team is here to help you find effective ways of easing or managing your symptoms. Multiple approaches are available, and we’ll help you find the best treatment for you and your lifestyle. Contact our office by calling (210) 226-3500 and scheduling an appointment in San Antonio, TX. You’ll meet with Dr. Charles Calais, DO, or another team member and begin working on a plan for managing your symptoms during the upcoming allergy season! We’re eager to help you enjoy the beauty of spring in the Lone Star State, so don’t wait to call!