Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe,Texas Wishing you a Safe and Happy St.Patrick’s Day! Stay Safe & Healthy from COVID this St.Patrick’s Day. We are open for in-office visits as well as telehealth visits. Please call (936) 441-2012 or go Online to schedule your appointment.
Machine-learning software has made some significant strides over the past few decades. Every year sees more of the starry-eyed dreams of science fiction become today’s reality. Consider, for instance, the humble communicator from Star Trek. The smartphones of today far outstretch the meager abilities of that sci-fi classic. Even the medical tricorder that Dr. Bones carried with him is becoming a piece of reality by Final Frontier Medical Devices. The most recent entry into the medical field is artificial intelligence. While it’s not quite the androids from iRobot, it’s still set to make some important changes to how medical concerns are diagnosed and treated.
Precision Medicine Provided By Artificial Intelligence
There’s a new kind of care being provided within the medical industry, and it’s known as “personalized medicine .”This approach to treatment, also known as precision medicine, aims to tailor medical treatments to specific patients. Lifestyle, environment, genetic background, and medical history are processed and analyzed to create a specialized approach. The specific treatment plan that’s created will take all these factors into account to provide the best care for each patient.
The sheer amount of effort involved in accomplishing this for an individual patient made it an unrealistic approach without electronic help. Artificial intelligence is capable of processing this data with a high degree of accuracy. Further, it’s able to find connections and trends that may not be immediately apparent to the human eye. Using precision medicine, patients will begin to experience better outcomes than ever before.
AI makes all this possible through their ability to:
Process significant quantities of data rapidly
Analyze data to find patterns and track them
Identify the best treatment options for their findings
Project success rates of various treatments more effectively
AI is also capable of identifying potential health risks the patient may face and including them in the treatment plan. The processing speed of these specialized pieces of software has already improved our understanding of the underlying causes behind certain diseases and conditions. Entire populations may benefit from this new approach to providing medical treatment and healthcare.
While AI-powered precision medicine is on the horizon, there are additional elements of infrastructure that require development to make it a reality. Diagnostic companies, academic organizations, medical offices, biotech offices, pharmaceutical companies, and countless other ancillary groups need to get b behind it. While we’ve come a long way, there’s a substantial amount of research and development required before it can become part of everyday medical care.
What The Future Holds For AI-Assisted Medicine
Once this technology becomes fully integrated with modern practice, healthcare will experience significant improvements. Reaching a diagnosis will occur more quickly and accurately, all while reducing the overhead. As the guesswork gets removed from choosing treatments, the cost of care will drop with it. Every year we see this technology advance, and it won’t be long before it’s present in every medical office. It has already been seeing strides into the surgical field, with the first surgical procedure being completed without human assistance.
Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe,Texas Wishing you a Safe and Happy Valentine’s Day! Stay Safe & Healthy from COVID this Valentine’s Day. We are open for in-office visits as well as telehealth visits. Please call (936) 441-2012 or go Online to schedule your appointment.
In the case of many motor vehicle accidents, you may not need to go to the hospital right away. However, it’s essential to know that you may not have escaped unscathed. It’s common for some symptoms to not be apparent immediately. Instead, you may find that soft tissue, spinal, and head injuries may take time to present symptoms. It’s even possible for these injuries to exist and “heal” without presenting symptoms at all. This is why it’s essential that you be seen by a medical professional following any car accident.
Five Tips To Avoiding Lasting Injury After an Auto Accident
It’s an unfortunate truth that many auto accidents don’t show their consequences for years to come. The injuries you sustain may be subtle in nature, taking time to begin presenting symptoms. Cervical (neck) and spinal misalignments, in particular, may only appear as a stiff back or sore muscles. These four tips can help you manage the aftermath of an automotive accident without letting injuries slip beneath the radar.
Seek Care Immediately – Even if you aren’t transported to the hospital, you need to be seen by a professional. It’s common for victims of auto accidents to shrug off fatigue, headaches, and muscle aches as ‘minor’ and not needing attention. These can all indicate whiplash, spinal injuries, or soft tissue injuries. In some cases, more severe symptoms may take weeks to manifest.
See Your PCP or Urgent Care First – If you weren’t transported directly to the hospital, then get seen as soon as possible. Urgent Care the next day is your best bet, with a follow-up with your PCP. This will ensure that you’ve been inspected for ligament damage, internal bleeding, tissue damage, and injuries only visible under imaging. CT Scans and X-rays can reveal injuries invisible to a surface inspection.
Speak Honestly With Your Provider – When you get to your appointment, be honest and thorough with your report. You need to share the symptoms you’re experiencing, when they began, the details of your auto accident, and how severe your symptoms are. If they’re not your PCP, be sure to provide a thorough medical history.
Be Inquisitive – It pays to ask questions. When you see your doctor, remember that your health and safety are the main concern. Advocate by yourself by expressing doubts, pressing your concerns, and getting a thorough explanation of your treatment plan. There’s no better medicine than being an engaged patient.
Following these four tips will ensure that you get the care you need following your accident. Further, this information will be used to determine the benefits you receive from any insurance coverage. It’s important not to let something slip beneath the radar while it’s still early enough to report it on your claim. Be certain that your physician properly documents the treatment plan and injuries for any potential lawsuit.
Don’t Wait For Your Injuries To Make Themselves Known
Auto accidents happen every day, but they’re no small matter. Getting examined by a trained physician is the only way to be certain your injuries are treated, and you don’t have lasting complications. Don’t wait!
For many families, the ways that practices interact with them matters, especially when handling chronic health conditions that require long-term treatment plans. Because of this demand, healthcare companies, medical researchers, and other areas of healthcare have been studying the effects of digital technology in the healthcare industry. With the advancement of digital methods, the industry has begun predicting that how care is delivered will drastically change. More specifically, that the often treatment-focused approach given by healthcare providers will shift towards prevention as our use of technology expands. To learn about what this all means, we’re taking a quick look into some studies to provide some answers.
How Digital Mediums Have Changed The Health Industry
Since the 1970s and 80s, research in biology and disease started being combined with computerized data, or the process of storing personal information in an electronic format. Because of the huge advancement in computers back then, new scientific disciplines also started to show up, giving way to specialized research areas in genomics, bioinformatics, and system biology. The growth of computers essentially helped the medical industry look deeper at the biological system and its behaviors, ultimately leading to advancements in research for chronic health conditions and diseases.
From this, many studies have begun working with a simulated approach for testing drugs using complex biological computerized systems, and through these tests have been able to increase the availability of clinical trials that patients with chronic and rare conditions can participate in. Through this avenue of research, new intervention methods, new medications, and management systems have helped expand opportunities for people to receive treatment. By expanding on these methods, many researchers hope that it can reduce the need for emergency treatments and mortality rates across the general population.
By receiving better access to technology, the healthcare industry can support more advancements in chronic disease treatments. If it advances enough, it can move towards population-level prevention and lifestyle changes that reduce the need for prescription drugs and treatment-focused areas that often don’t work to prevent health problems often faced by families.
What Digital Technologies We Have Today
Right now, we’re only at the start of our technological developments. As future generations become more health-conscious, these digital methods of communication and care can lead to better transparency from healthcare companies, improved access to personal data, and overall more efficient chronic disease management. Our digital landscape right now includes:
• Telemedicine: Telemedicine has become a huge stepping stone in healthcare, as it removes social barriers and unnecessary costs associated with appointments and treatment. • Patient Management Software: For practices, having improved software can help change the way patients, doctors, and healthcare companies interact with data. • Monitoring Systems: Monitoring systems, such as lifestyle apps can help monitor aspects of fitness and nutrition for those with chronic health conditions.
Only time will tell how these digital technologies will improve our healthcare system, and hopefully, through these advancements, we can meet the needs of patients by delivering better solutions for everyone.