MPX Laser Hair Removal

Laser Skin Care & Laser Hair Removal

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas offers a range of cosmetic laser procedures to help refresh the skin, including treatments for wrinkles and small veins, hair removal, and fading of spots and scars. Her comprehensive laser treatment program is designed to fit and effectively address each patient’s individual needs.

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe, Texas is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician who has practiced in Montgomery County, Texas for the last 19 years. Her practice serves patients from Conroe, Willis, Montgomery, New Waverly, Spring, The Woodlands, and Magnolia, Texas. Her patients come from Montgomery county, Walker county, and Harris county.

Dr. Nguyen and her team are committed to taking care of you and your family with compassion, respect, and care they would give their own family.


Unwanted hair is a common problem, for both men and women. Frequent hair removal chores including shaving, depilatories, plucking, and waxing are time-consuming, inconvenient and often painful. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, laser hair removal is the 3rd most performed non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the US.

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas can help you get at the root of the problem with the state-of-the-art Elite MPX™ laser system. Laser hair removal gives you effective, permanent hair reduction anywhere on your body that you have unwanted hair. Whether it’s your face, legs, back, or bikini line, you can have the results you want.

During the procedure, a laser device emits light energy that travels through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. Pigments are the substances that give skin and hair its color (also known as melanin). The energy absorbed damages the pigmented hair follicle, which impairs its ability to grow. Hair follicles that are in the anagen, or active growth phase, have more pigment and absorb more energy, and typically respond the best to treatments. For this reason, it typically takes multiple treatments to achieve the best results – it’s important to “catch” your hair in this active growth phase when you are receiving treatments.

Frequently asked Questions

What areas can laser hair removal treat?
Laser hair removal can remove hair from faces, backs, chests, arms, underarms, bikini, legs and more.

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?
Different lasers can effectively treat different skin types. Our laser can be used on a wide range of skin types from very light to very dark skin. During your consultation we will determine the best course of treatment for you based on a variety of factors such as hair color and hair type.

How many treatments will I need?
Typically, we recommend a series of six treatment sessions to provide the best aesthetic outcome. Laser hair removal technology can only affect hair in active phases of growth, so several treatments are needed to affect all of the unwanted hair.

Can I shave in between laser hair removal sessions?
Yes. In fact, the area needs to be freshly shaved before your treatment session. You may shave the area the day before the treatment or the day of the treatment before coming in for your session. But you should not wax or pluck the hair during the course of your laser sessions.

How far apart are treatment sessions?
It depends on which area is being treated. In general, face, underarms, arms, and bikini are approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Back, chest, and legs are approximately 8-10 weeks apart. During your consultation your treatment course will be discussed.

What will laser hair removal feel like?
Most people feel only a slight momentary “snap” at the treatment site during the procedure followed by a slight heating of the skin. This typically goes away after the treatment but cooling methods can be used immediately after treatment to help with this sensation.

How quickly will I recover?
Typically, you can resume regular daily activities immediately following treatment.

Are there any side effects?
You may experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor redness and/or swelling immediately following the treatment. This usually lasts 2-24 hours. Ask your provider to discuss other possible side effects and the necessary post-treatment care with you.

Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) / LASER FACIAL

Intense pulsed light (IPL) uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of the following skin problems: • Sun Damage • Hyperpigmentation • Small lines and wrinkles • Texture and tone of skin

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas will do the procedure of rejuvenating aged skin is referred to as photorejuvenation and requires a series of IPL treatments.

Frequently asked Questions

How does it work?
IPL therapy is considered a non-ablative resurfacing technique, which means that it targets the lower layers of skin (dermis) without affecting the top layers of skin (epidermis). The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterwards.

What to expect in your consultation?
Prior to the procedure your specialist practitioner will explain the process to you and clearly define your expectations of the treatment. They should be able to tell you whether or not the results you are looking for will be achievable using this method. It is important that the correct diagnosis has been made by your doctor prior to treatment. Preparing for your IPL Session: • Avoid sun exposure in the days and weeks before and after treatment. • A topical anesthetic may be applied to the area but is not usually necessary. • Cold gel is applied to the area being treated. IPL devices often have integrated cooling systems. • The smooth, glass surface of the IPL treatment head is applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated. • Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes. A course of 4-6 sessions every 3-6 weeks may be needed to achieve desired results. • Most patients can return to work immediately after treatment.

Are there any side effects?
Side effects are minor and include: • Pain during treatment (reduced by contact cooling and if necessary, topical anesthetic) • Skin turning pink and a little sore immediately after the procedure. • Sensation of a mild sunburn (redness, peeling, swelling) that may last a few days after treatment. • Rarely, skin pigment may absorb too much light energy and blistering can occur. • Sometimes the pigment cells (melanocytes) can be damaged leaving darker or paler patches of skin. White patches or scars are rarely permanent.

Spot Treatments

If you have some sort of skin discoloration, you’re not alone. In fact, facial brown spots and discoloration are the top reasons for cosmetic visits. Pigmented lesions are a result of pigmentation which is the color in your skin produced by melanin, a natural pigment that also determines eye and hair color. However, if too much melanin is produced in one area, the result is a brown patch on your skin. Too much melanin can result from: •  Sun exposure • Aging • Heredity or congenital factors • Age Spots or “Liver” Spots:  Smaller darkened patches usually on older adults who have been exposed to the sun for many years. These spots can be seen on the face, forearms and backs of hands.

  • Post-inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation: This type of hyper-pigmentation results from any inflammatory injury or trauma to the skin. For example, acne often leaves dark discoloration after a blemish heals. Rashes like psoriasis and eczema often darken the skin as well.

Pigmented lesions can vary in size, shape and depth. All pigmented lesions need to be looked at prior to treatment to confirm. During your consultation we will determine if your pigmented lesions are safe to treat.

Laser treatments use short, safe bursts of light to target and treat specific skin conditions. Our lasers are specifically designed to target the excessive pigmented cells producing the unwanted spot. They provide a treatment that’s fast, easy and well-tolerated. It can make your skin look younger by removing age spots, sun spots, uneven pigmentation, diffuse redness and by stimulating collagen production thus improving your skin texture

Frequently asked Questions

How does laser treatment work?
Our lasers deliver precise amounts of energy to effectively treat unwanted pigment and improve sun-damaged skin. The laser handpiece is placed over the skin where the brown spot or other pigmentation sits and a bright flash of light is released. This light is absorbed by the pigment in sunspots and the blood in visible vessels, and converted to heat. The heat damages the cells that created the pigment and shrinks the vessels.

What will it feel like?
Treatments are very well tolerated. Many clients describe the treatment as a ‘warm sensation’ or the snap of a rubber band.

How long will it take?
The procedure typically takes less than 20 minutes to perform depending on the size of the area or number of pigmented lesions being treated. Often you will see great results after the first treatment session but 2-3 sessions may be required for optimal outcomes.

What do I need to do before a treatment?
You will need to avoid the sun, tanning beds and self-tanning creams and lotions prior to treatment. There may be some medications that you will need to avoid and your physician will cover these during your consultation.

What will happen after the procedure?
Some patients experience a mild sunburn sensation for a short time after the procedure. We may apply some ice immediately following your treatment to help minimize this. The pigmented lesions will darken over the next few days. The area will look a bit “dirty” or dark for about a week. Over this time, the treated skin will slough off, revealing fresh new skin.

How quickly will I recover?
Typically, you can resume regular daily activities immediately following treatment. Makeup can be applied to the treated area immediately, if necessary. It is extremely important to apply a moisturizer with SPF30 sun block and avoid sun exposure on a daily basis to prevent additional sun damage.

Am I a candidate?
Our laser specialists can give you a consultation and talk with you about your skin type to confirm if you would be a good candidate for this treatment.

What areas can be treated?
Laser pigment clearance can be performed on the face and chest, as well as on the hands, arms and legs.

How many treatments will I need?
This will often depend on the pigmented lesion you have. For some brown spots, only a single treatment is needed, for others, a series of treatments may be recommended. Often you will see improvements within a couple weeks, with further improvements on subsequent treatments until you have achieved the over-all improvement you desire.

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing Cosmetic Laser Beautiful Skin care and Laser Hair Removal.

Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you.

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SculpSure’s light-based body-contouring targets and destroys stubborn fat below the skin’s surface in just 25 minutes* with zero recovery time.


SculpSure™ is a non-invasive, FDA approved, body contouring system for the reduction of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen and love handles. In addition to proven results and high patient satisfaction, there is absolutely no downtime. Other areas of treatment include arms, back and inner and outer thighs.

Sculpsure™ is the non-invasive laser treatment with over 90% satisfaction rate.

In just 25 minutes, we can treat an entire abdomen or both love handles! Treatment time is half the time of other options.

Trang Nguyen, MD is one of the first physicians in The Woodlands, Conroe, Magnolia,  Montgomery and Willis area to offer SculpSure™. Meet our team of caring professionals that will help achieve the results you desire.

See pictures of actual patients who have benefited from SculpSure™ treatments.

How does SculpSure™work?

  • SculpSure™ works by heating up the fat cells above a threshold temperature to which they are no longer viable. The body then clears away the damaged fat cells on its own.
  • SculpSure™ utilizes cooling plates to keep the skin cool and comfortable while the heat is concentrated and delivered right into the fat.
  • SculpSure™ requires no downtime and no need for any anesthesia.

What are the advantages of SculpSure™

  • First of it’s kind! Safe, AWAKE, Comfortable, Fast!
  • Completely non-invasive
  • FDA Approved Technology
  • Attacks fat cell integrity & structure
  • No damage to surrounding tissue
  • No bruising, numbness or nerve pain after session
  • Versatile applicators allow for treating many areas.
  • Thermal spread creates treatment areas slightly larger than applicator size, & also helps blend treatment to adjacent areas
  • Results within 6 weeks to 12 weeks
  • Cost effective

There is no downtime with SculpSure™, so you can have the treatment during your lunch hour and return to work immediately.

The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain constant throughout adult life. After the SculpSure™ treatment, the destroyed fat cells will never return. However, as we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically do not decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.

Is SculpSure right for me?
SculpSure is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise.

How many treatments will I need?
Every patient is different. Your treatment provider will develop a customized treatment plan to meet your desired goals. Ask your treatment provider about the treatment plan that is right for you.

What should I expect during the treatment?
Most patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment which is generally well-tolerated.

When will I see results?
You may start to see results as early as 6 weeks following treatment as your body begins to evacuate the treated fat cells, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks.

How long will results last?
Your fat cells should be reduced during and after the treatment and should not regenerate.

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing SculpSure Permanent Fat Loss Treatments.

Permanent Fat Loss Treatment in 25 minutes! Call and schedule your free consultation today. (936) 441-2012

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Acute Medical Issues are Sometimes difficult to know where to start when you have a medical problem; Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing your Acute Medical Issues.

Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you

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Back pain and Joint pain account for some of the most common reasons for doctor visits. Nine out of ten of us will have back and joint problems at some point in our lives. Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team in Conroe, Texas are experienced in diagnosing and managing joint problems. If patient need further testings and referral to a specialist, Conroe Family Doctor can serve as the initial point to work up your problem.

Persistent and chronic pain can interfere with the quality of your life. Whether your hands, wrists, or knees are aching more often as you get older or if you experienced an injury that has left lingering spasms, pain can prevent you from enjoying time with your family. Dr. Trang Nguyen and her medical staff at Conroe Family Doctor invites you to schedule an appointment to discuss any problems you might be experiencing so that a plan of action can be put into place to return your mobility. The first step is to determine what is the root cause of the pain. It might be a simple problem with a fairly straight forward solution.

Common Causes

Back pain can be debilitating and if left untreated, minor back problems may require a correctional procedure. Bad posture, weight gain, or a leg injury can cause stress on your skeletal muscles. As your body attempts to alleviate the stress, the muscles begin to protest by sending pain signals. The more stress the muscles takes, the tighter they become. However, many back pain problems can be fixed through exercise and therapy.

Many people experience more pain in the joints as their body ages. Osteoarthritis is caused by the tendons and cartilage in your joints wearing down over time leaving exposed bones to rub against tender tissue. Other underlying causes of long-term joint pain can be an old injury that was not successfully treated or an infection which settled into a susceptible joint causing more stress.

Fortunately, all these common causes can be treated by consulting with your Conroe Family Doctor, applying some basic medications, and proper physical therapy.

Effective Treatments

Physical activity is often the best medicine for regaining strength and flexibility, which can alleviate strain on the joints. However, simply running or lifting weights at your health club may not be the right solution. By working with Dr. Nguyen, you may be assigned some sessions with a physical therapist who will help you target the damaged part of the body and complete movements that promote healing. Over the counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen are also recommended, but can become toxic to your body over time. Braces for wrists, ankles, and knees provide soothing compression and support that help you return movement to aching joints.

Residents of Conroe, Texas and surrounding areas should schedule a consultation with Dr. Nguyen to discuss and treat any pain you might be experiencing. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012 .We look forward to hearing from you.

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Geriatric care is a healthcare specialty that focuses on the health and well being of our elderly and aging population. Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor, in Conroe, Texas we specialize in treating and preventing diseases and disabilities commonly found in older populations, all with the compassion and care that you’d expect from your physician. It addresses the complex needs of elderly people, focusing on health promotion and the prevention and treatment of disease and disability in the aging patient. Comprehensive healthcare of the aging patient takes place in ambulatory, acute, and long-term care settings, and is usually provided by a multidisciplinary team whose members may include a primary care physician like a family doctor, hospitalists, home health nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, and other medical physician specialists. Your family doctor can act as the coordinator of the multidisciplinary team.


While your physician is likely well-qualified to treat you right now, a geriatric healthcare specialist should be a part of your care plan as you age. As you get older, your body changes and the way diseases and illnesses manifest is different than how they do when you’re younger.

The physiological changes you experience as you age increases the difficulty that comes with diagnosing and treating diseases. A geriatric care specialist will know what to look for, questions to ask when treating you, and the best plans for treating your unique symptoms and circumstances. We also understand how various medications interact with each other and can ensure you don’t experience any adverse medicinal interactions.


While there’s no set age at which someone should start seeing a physician that specializes in elderly healthcare, the generally accepted age is about 65 years old. If, however, you have a family history of geriatric healthcare issues that tend to show up earlier than 65, you might want to start seeing a specialist earlier.


As you age, your geriatric care physician can help guide you and your family through important and often hard decisions we all have to make. Our goal is to educate patients and their families on end of life issues, quality of life, independence, and how and when to progress through skilled nursing and other treatment facilities.

With your permission, we can also work with your spouse and children, so they understand your healthcare needs, our plans for your treatment, and how they can best support you.


Here at Conroe Family Doctor, we have extensive relationships with other geriatric healthcare specialists, including geriatric oncologists, geriatric neurologist, and geriatric dentistry. Our established relationships with these providers will ensure you get the best care possible, so you can enjoy retirement and a happy, healthy life. And, you can rest confident that you’ll be in great hands with specialists who understand your health issues and how your life stage might impact them.

Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing Geriatric Care.

Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you.

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