July 15, 2013
in Services

In the sports medicine field, the sports physical exam is known as a preparticipation physical examination(PPE). Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients who need a sports or work physical.
If you’re looking to land that new job or play one of your favorite sports, chances are you’ll be required to get a sport or work physical. Both of these physicals are required to ensure you’re in optimal health to perform the duties expected of you. Work and sports physicals are both for your benefit and the organization requesting it.
What is a work physical?
Many employers require work physicals to ensure you can perform your job well and that there is nothing underlying that could impact you in the future. Most work physicals include a drug test, basic check up, and physical exam.
What do work physicals include?
When you arrive for your physical the nurse or medical assistant will take your weight, blood pressure, and temperature. She or he will also take your medical history and ask for a list of any medications that you’re taking. Understanding what you’re taking and any of those side effects can help the doctor determine whether you can do your job or not. For example, if a medication that you’re taking causes drowsiness, you likely won’t be approved for a job in which you have to operate heavy machinery.
The drug and alcohol test, which can be performed using a breathalyzer, urine sample, blood sample, hair test, and even mouth swab, will tell the doctor if you’ve taken any prescription or illegal drugs, and which ones.
The physical exam checks your reflexes, range of motion, and heart and lung health. You’ll also have your hearing checked and pupils dilated.
What is a sports physical?
About 46 million children play sports each year. With that many children playing, it’s important to make sure each one is healthy enough to enjoy their sport of choice. Sports physicals can help detect any unknown issues that could lead to further issues down the line. If an issue is found, your child might not be able to participate in sports, but this physical could save their life.
What do sports physicals include?
A sports physical assesses your child’s vitals and overall physical health, including vision and flexibility. The vitals check looks at the pulse and blood pressure, along with height and weight to ensure there isn’t added stress on bones and joints.
The eye exam ensures your child’s vision is totally clear and whether they need a prescription for glasses or contacts, or need their current prescription updated.
A fitness assessment looks at the heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose, and throat, to make sure they’re healthy and don’t limit physical activity.
If you’re in need of a sports or work physical, contact us at Conroe Family Medicine. We can get you in and out quickly, and will ensure you get the best care possible.
Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients who need a sports or work physical.
Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you.
Call 936-441-2012Schedule An Appointment
June 17, 2013
in Services
SudoScan is a quick and painless scan of your hands and feet. This assessment provides us with critical information by measuring output from sweat glands. The SudoScan helps us to detect the onset of diabetes or related diseases as early as possible and proactively respond.
The main disease discovered by SudoScan is Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy is the most common complication of diabetes, affecting 50% – 90% of patients.
Many of these symptoms can not be found by other methods of testing and examination.
Early detection of Peripheral Neuropathy is vital as, roughly, 15% of diabetes patients develop foot ulcers which can lead to amputation or even death.
With the vast amount of information the scan offers, we recommend all adult patients complete a scan. The process is easy, fast, and painless. Wit a quick scan, we are provided with valuable information about patient health, necessary treatment, and proactive steps to take in order to reduce the risk of many diseases, particularly ailments that come along with diabetes. Call to schedule an appointment at (936) 441-2012
Call 936-441-2012Schedule An Appointment

Well child exams are most frequent when the child’s development is most rapid. Each visit includes a complete physical examination. This will assess the infant or young child’s growth and development and help identify problems early. Height, weight, and other important information is recorded and considered. During this visit vaccinations are updated also. Parents may use this visit to voice concerns and ask questions. Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed and will use this visit to counseled parents on nutrition, safety, development, and other medical issues.
We serve children, ages two and older.
Keeping your child healthy is probably the most important thing to you as a parent. After all, good health provides your child with the foundation for a great life. Good health makes it possible for them to explore new things, continually learn, and grow into the adult they were made to be.
Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to provide comprehensive wellness exams for children aged two and older to ensure every child we see is reaching those important growth milestones. And, if they aren’t we hello put together a plan to make that happen.
What is a wellness exam?
A wellness exam is an exam in which we examine all of the important growth milestones a child should be reaching. We look at his or her development and look for any issues that might be causing them to slow down. Once we diagnose those issues, we come up with a clear plan of action to ensure they’re taken care of and on the path to reach their milestones.
What does a wellness exam include?
The wellness exam starts with taking the height and weight of your child. We’re looking to have your child in a healthy weight range, not too skinny and not overweight. A healthy weight indicates the child is likely getting proper nutrition and exercise, both of which contribute to a healthy overall weight.
We also ensure your child’s vaccines are up-to-date. Vaccines ensure your child, as well as other children, are protected from many of the viruses that cause early death in children prior to their invention.
Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals will look at the various speech and motor skill milestones your child should have reached by their age. These are an important factor in developmental health and can be indicative of problems that need further attention. The good news is the doctor can help direct you toward the best treatment for issues that might occur, so your child can get on track.
During the wellness exam, you have a chance to talk to Dr. Nguyen about any concerns you have, both in regards to your child’s physical health and developmental health. No question is off limits. We’ve had patients whose children are acting out at daycare or biting their siblings. Whatever concerns you may have, this appointment is where you can freely express them.
Should I schedule a wellness exam?
While you might look at your child and not see any issues, wellness examines provide an objective look at your child’s health. It’s easy as parents to overlook minor issues, but oftentimes bigger issues start as smaller issues. By catching these issues early you can ensure your child is reaching all the right milestones and truly doing as well as they can.
How do I schedule an exam?
You can schedule a wellness exam with Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas by giving our office a call. Our helpful staff can answer any questions you have about the exam or insurance, and make sure you get an appointment that is convenient for your busy schedule.
Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you.
Call 936-441-2012Schedule An Appointment
April 15, 2013
in Services

Wellness Exam for Men and Women is a yearly exam, and is one of the most important preventative health measures you can take. Both men and women should get to their doctor for a yearly wellness exam. Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing there yearly Wellness Exams for both Men and Woman.
Many diseases and illnesses are discovered because of wellness exams. And because wellness exams are performed on a yearly basis, your doctor has a baseline of your health to measure progress and can act quickly if something is wrong.
Wellness Exams for Women
The wellness exam for women is an overall assessment of your health. We will take your weight and discuss any issues you have. A Pap smear will screen for cervical cancer and any STDs, while a breast exam will check for any lumps that could indicate the presence of breast cancer.
Prior to starting the exam, we will take a health history. During this portion of the exam, we will look at your family history and how that might affect your health. The physical exam will look for any anomalies and some of the most common illnesses seen today.
You will also be given an opportunity to voice any concerns you might have. Whether you’re interested in weight management or have an ache that won’t go away, this is your opportunity to discuss any and all concerns with Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas
Wellness Exams for Men
As a man heading in for your yearly wellness exam will help to ensure you’re healthy and can also catch illnesses at the start and before they even start to show symptoms. The most dreaded part of this exam is the prostate exam, but this simple portion saves lives and plays a role in better mortality rates.
During this exam, you will have an opportunity to speak with the doctor and discuss concerns. We will also look at your blood pressure and overall family history.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Men, in particular, tend to pay less attention to their health when they’re busy concentrating on work and family. This is why wellness exams are so important. They’re a set date for you to get checked out and touch base with your doctor.
Once you start regularly going to wellness exams you will begin to develop a rapport with the doctor and a baseline for them to work off of. This ensures that your doctor understands what is normal for you. For example, while your blood pressure might appear a little low, your normal might be to run on the low side. Similarly, your blood work may seem out of the norm, but the doctor might determine that that is your normal.
Dr. Nguyen is a compassionate family doctor located in Conroe, Texas. She is proud to serve her community and offers wellness exams for both men and women, and even treats pediatric patients.
Contact our office today to schedule your wellness exam. Our office accepts a variety of insurances and works with your schedule. We can serve your entire family’s needs – from basic vaccines to exams to women’s health.
Wellness exams are annual physical exams which promote health and wellness and may lead to early detection of health issues. During the annual physical exam your height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse are taken by the clinical staff. The physician will perform an exam from head to toes and evaluate vaccination status, discuss preventative health issues such as cancer screening, and recommend blood tests to evaluate for common health issues.
The main difference between a WELL MAN EXAM and a WELL WOMAN EXAM is the male exam has a prostate check while the female exam has a pelvic exam which usually includes a pap smear. As part of the annual physical, routine blood tests maybe taken which screen for diabetes, high cholesterol, and other problems. You maybe ask to come back for a follow up visit. The follow up visit may include a discussion on risk factors and prevention of health issues discovered during the exam, as well as information to promote a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.
The purpose of these visits is to screen for diseases, asses risk of future medical problems, encourage a healthy lifestyle, update vaccinations, and maintain a relationship with a doctor in case of an illness.
Dr. Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor and her team of medical professionals in Conroe, Texas are committed to providing respectful, compassionate health care to each and every patient, with a long track record filled with happy and healthy patients. Dr. Nguyen can put the same knowledge to work for patients with managing yearly Wellness Exams for both Men and Woman.
Contact our team to schedule your appointment or get answers to any questions you have. We would love to be a part of your healthcare planning and helping you live the best life possible. Call today to schedule an appointment (936) 441-2012. We look forward to hearing from you.
Call 936-441-2012Schedule An Appointment