If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe, Texas is a Family Medicine Primary Care Physician and Family Doctor Practicing Full Scope Family Medicine in Conroe, Texas.
Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe is committed to excellence and compassion in caring for the entire person—body, mind, and spirit. Our board certified physicians and exceptional staff build long-lasting relationships with patients to provide effective continuum of care. Dr. Nguyen and her team are committed to taking care of you and your family with compassion, respect, and care they would give their own family. Each of our providers practice full scope family medicine and bring unique experience and expertise to our practice.
Conroe Family Doctor offices in Conroe Texas offer primary care for all ages. Dr. Trang Nguyen and her team practice full scope family medicine. Conroe family medicine Primary Care Physicians and Family physicians are trained to take care of you and your family through all stages of life. We offer preventive annual physicals for all ages, immunizations, diagnosing and work-ups of acute medical problems, and health maintenance of chronic medical problems. Family physicians also play an important role as the health care coordinator of all your medical specialist. Here are a few services we offer ACUTE MEDICAL ISSUES, BACK & JOINT PAIN, GERIATRIC CARE, HIGH CHOLESTEROL, DIABETES MANAGEMENT, HYPERTENSION (High Blood Pressure), IMMUNIZATIONS, PHYSICALS FOR SPORTS OR WORK, WELLNESS EXAMS FOR CHILDREN,WELLNESS EXAMS FOR MEN & WOMEN, PERIPHERAL NEPHROPATHY, LASER HAIR REMOVAL, LASER SKIN RENEWAL, WEIGHT LOSS and FLU SHOT VACCINATION.
Phone: (936) 441-2012
Fax: (936) 494-4012
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Same-day & Next-day Appts · Top Primary Care Doctors · Conroe Family Doctor · Located in Conroe
Highlights: Board Certified Physician Available, Provides Effective Continuum of Care.