Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removalLaser Hair Removal

Real Self, which is a health guide review website, says that over 90% of the people who undergo laser hair removal procedures are satisfied with the results. The improvement in the technology and accuracy of laser hair removal equipment, achieved over the past decades, has been outstanding.

For those living in Conroe, TX and the surrounding areas, laser hair removal is a practiced skill of Dr. Trang Nguyen of Conroe Family Doctor. Dr. Nguyen is a well-liked Conroe family physician in the community. Dr. Nguyen has a nice talent for laser hair removal procedures. To do the procedures well is a skill that involves a bit of artistry combined with science.

Laser hair removal is suitable for both females and males. With laser hair removal, it is possible to achieve a smooth hairless skin and/or have beautifully trimmed areas with perfect lines, such as eyebrows, mustaches, sideburns, or beards.

With some patients, the hair removal process is permanent or semi-permanent. For others, if the hair comes back it does not grow back for a very long time (several months up to a year) and when it comes back it is thinner and a lighter color. Laser hair removal is preferable to tweezing, shaving, and waxing. There is no mess and much less pain associated with the laser procedure.

Although, maintenance treatments may be necessary to remove any hair that grows backing the future, on the plus side, the more laser hair removal treatments there are, the less likely it is for any hair to return.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser is an intense light, which accurately focuses on a specific spot about the size of a quarter. The laser light goes through the upper layers of the skin to create heat at the focal point of the light, which is the base of the hair, called the “follicle.”

The laser heat destroys the follicles. A hair is similar to a plant or tree. Without the follicle roots, the hair cannot grow. The doctor performing the laser hair removal procedure moves the focal point of the laser carefully and meticulously to destroy the hair follicles in one small area at a time.

It is detailed work to remove the hair from an area, which takes some dedicated care. The American Academy of Dermatology notes that patients should expect 10% to 25% of the hair removed on the first treatment. To complete the process, depending on the size of the area for hair removal, usually takes two to six visits. This requires a bit of patience; however, the rewards of the procedure are spectacular.

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

The laser hair removal procedure is fast, pain-free, accurate, and the results are predictable. Because of this, it is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in America.

Before and After Treatment

To prepare for laser hair removal requires a period of six weeks with limited use of other hair removal techniques during that period, such as waxing, plucking, or electrolysis.

Potential Side Effects

Side effects are usually not a problem. If they do occur, they are very mild. There may be a slight redness to the skin or a simple rash that develops after the procedure. This goes away in a short time. To reduce the chance of any potential adverse side effects, the recommendation is to avoid sun exposure for the six weeks before the procedure and six weeks after the procedure. This is why it is popular to have the procedure done during fall or winter.

If you are considering laser hair removal, make an appointment with Dr. Trang Nguyen of Conroe Family Doctor to discuss the procedure. You will be very happy with your new hairless look.

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Dr. Trang Nguyen Conroe Family Doctor provides singular medical care for patients in Montgomery, Harris, and Walker Counties under the leadership of Dr. Trang Nguyen. As a Board Certified Family Medicine physician who graduated from the University of Oklahoma, she brings expert care to local families.