People have been eliminating body hair for centuries using a variety of methods. Innovations in cosmetic treatments and laser technology have led to the development of laser hair removal. It is a semi-permanent way to handle body hair removal, eliminating the need to shave every few days to eliminate bristles and experience unsightly razor burn. While depilatory creams can eliminate concerns with razor burn, they don’t smell particularly nice. Waxing and sugaring are also effective at long term management, but neither of them are particularly pleasant experiences.
was developed as a long term solution, but the process is
time-consuming and can be painful. It involves the insertion of a
super-fine needle into the hair follicles to kill them using an
electric-current. Laser hair removal accomplishes this goal without
the need to employ electricity or involving a lot of pain. This is
accomplished by the beam focusing on the pigment-rich cells in the
follicle and root of the hair, burning them in a painless procedure.
Are The Pros of Laser Hair Removal?
hair removal is a wonderful solution for those looking for a long
term solution for unwanted body hair. Whether you’re looking for a
way to get rid of excess hair or simply don’t want to shave your
legs, armpits, or genital area anymore, it’s safe and effective.
There are four reasons why patients will opt to go for laser hair
removal, including:
can eliminate the need to shave for very long periods of time and
can reduce the growth of hair to the point where shaving becomes
hair removal is easy and painless and can be done anywhere on the
body you’d like to have hair removed. Back, legs, bikini line,
underarms, face, and stomach can all receive hair removal
areas can be treated with ease thanks to the machine used, saving
time over slower processes like electrolysis and waxing.
laser hair removal is not completely free of pain, its far less
uncomfortable than wax removal; ice is typically used to cool and
numb the area both before treatment starts and after its completion.
As your hair gets finer from repeated treatments, it becomes less
are just the most common reasons that patients tend to opt for laser
hair removal over other hair removal options. The results are far and
away, the biggest reason, as nothing produces smooth hairless skin
like laser hair removal.
you’ve been considering having laser hair removal performed, it’s
time to reach out to your local practitioner. Dr. Nguyen has been
performing laser hair removal for his patients at Conroe Family
Doctor for years. Patients in the Conroe, TX area rely on them to
take care of their problem areas and free them from concerns with
shaving or waxing for hair removal. Just pick up the phone to make a
call for an appointment and consultation, and start setting yourself
free from the tyranny of the razor today!
Diabetes refers to a group of diseases affecting how your body processes sugar or glucose. These conditions, which include type one and type two diabetes, both come from different causes, and in some cases, can be reversible. However, both conditions cannot manage the excess sugar in the blood system, which can lead to serious health issues, which include cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, Alzheimer’s disease, and nerve damage. Managing diabetes is a lifelong challenge, but the key to keeping diabetes in check is to check your blood sugar levels and keep them as normal as possible. Here are a few tips you can use to keep your diabetes in check.
Practice Self-Monitoring Techniques
Diabetes has two important indicators: glycated hemoglobin and blood glucose. For glycated hemoglobin, regular visits to the doctor’s office can help manage and check in on your diabetes. For blood glucose, it can be measured at home with the use of insulin and should be checked before and after meals, at bedtime, and before exercising. Make a journal of any dietary changes, physical activities, and medications to manage your blood sugar levels.
Maintain Healthy Weight Levels
Maintaining a healthy weight involves keeping an eye on any weight loss progress made, including setting goals, making notes of any changes to diet, and the amount of exercise achieved. With weight loss, the effects of type two diabetes can be reversed and can lower the glycated hemoglobin levels from 0.3% to 2% in adults.
Follow Good Nutrition Guides
Meal plans become extremely important when dealing with diabetes because certain foods containing high amounts of sugar can raise blood sugar levels in a matter of minutes. For those with diabetes, developing a plan with a dietitian can help control blood sugar levels through portion control and eating healthier foods. Taking in fewer carbs, eating more vegetables, and incorporating more whole grains into your diet can ultimately control your blood sugar completely.
Exercise Consistently and Regularly
Exercise can control blood sugar levels, reduce glycated hemoglobin, and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Many nutritionists recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for most days of the week can help manage diabetes and reduce insulin resistance. Those with diabetes should avoid sitting for long periods of time, and giving breaks to sedentary periods can help control blood sugar overall.
Take Medication As Prescribed
People with diabetes who don’t take their prescribed medication will have a higher risk of mortality rate, increase the risk of complications, and an increase in overall health costs. While complex treatment plans may seem hard to follow, addressing habits and non-adherence to medication to your doctors will help resolve any issues present and improve the likelihood of type two diabetes from being reduced.
While diabetes is not curable, a person with diabetes has the tools available to manage their condition. By following nutrition and diet plans, along with regular exercise, diabetes will become easier to manage and easier to live with overall. If you wish to learn more, contact Dr. Trang D Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe, TX.
Conroe Family Doctor wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas & Happy Healthy New Year’s! To call 936-441-2012 or visit us at our new location 1020 Riverwood CT Conroe,# 100 TX.77304
Yearly physicals aren’t just for children; adults are as much in need of a physical every year as their children are! In fact, adults likely need a physical even more than children do as the years go on. As we age, there are conditions and concerns that can crop up that a yearly physical can help catch before it becomes dangerous. You never know when it might save your life! If you want to know what to expect during your yearly exam, read on!
To Expect
every visit to your physician, there are a few things you expect, and
these same things will occur when you go for a yearly physical. These
include having your temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels,
and pulse being taken. Each of these can be a window into your
overall health and reveal potential problems, but they aren’t
comprehensive. When you get a full physical, you can expect to have
your nerves tested; a full body examination performed looking for
abnormalities in your extremities, skin, and abdomen. Blood screens
are often included as well to identify concerns with hormone and
cholesterol levels, among other things.
Never Too Old To Get A Physical
will never come a point in your life where you’re too old to get a
physical, and in fact, new elements may be added to your physical as
you age. These include prostate exams for men, mammograms for women,
and colonoscopies for everyone. These tests, in particular, are
looking for the occurrence of certain forms of cancer that tend to
appear as patients get older. These represent just a couple of the
concerns that can be identified or addressed with a yearly physical.
Tests Are Part Of A Standard Physical?
four basic tests that are included with every physical include the
Pressure: A visit with your
friendly sphygmomanometer, or blood pressure cuff, is a standard
part of every visit. Your physician will be checking to see if you
fall in healthy levels, usually with numbers under 120 and over 80
being considered normal.
Rates: Cardio concerns can be
identified by checking your heart rate. Normal resting heart rates
are between 60 and 100, though exceptionally healthy patients may
see rates under 60.
Rate: This test checks to see
how many breaths you take in a minute. If you are taking more than
20 breaths a minute while at rest, there may be concerns with your
lungs or heart that need addressing.
Body temperatures for healthy
patients tend to be around 98.6F, though again, healthy patients may
see numbers higher or lower than this.
2020 getting off to a fantastic start, it’s time to make sure the
year continues as it has begun. Call Dr.
Trang D Nguyen at Conroe Family Doctor in Conroe, TX
today and get scheduled for a physical to ensure that there are no
health issues waiting to ruin your year. Why not make 2020 the year
that you make getting a yearly physical part of your usual
preventative care routine?
Conroe Family Doctor 2019 Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition didn’t turn out so ugly after all! Looks like these finalists got really creative which all of them turned out very cute! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Years! So, which one do you like the best? Also love to see your ugly Christmas sweaters to compare. To Call 936-441-2012 or visit our new location 1020 Riverwood CT. Suite # 100. Conroe, TX. 77304